I’ll admit it — I was skeptical about video mediations.

I have always believed in the magic of having everyone in the same building at the same time.

I’m here to tell you I was wrong.

Having everyone confined in the same office is not the source of the “mediation magic.”

I have three observations so far:

  1. It’s pretty convenient and comfortable for everyone to be in their own physical space.
  2. The format encourages simultaneous review/editing of offers.
  3. It seems to foster more focused, to-the-point discussions.

The results so far have been really encouraging—even better than I first expected.

Based on my own litigation docket and those of my partners, that a lot of cases seem to be “stuck” right now—but they don’t have to stay that way.

My prediction is that mediating temporary orders and other pretrial issues is going to be pretty effective too. I’d love to help get more cases settled or at least get them moving again.

If you have questions about mediation during this COVID-19 situation please feel free to contact me here, or click here to reserve time on my mediation calendar.